About Esko Vostok KOM - Main page - Авторизованный дистрибьютор Rockwell Automation (Allen-Bradley) — продажа оборудования
Компания Эско Восток КОМ

Industrial Solutions
Safety Motion Control

SLC Huizhou Inovance Rockwell Automation Authorized Distributor
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About Esko Vostok KOM

Esko Vostok KOM Company – Authorized Rockwell Automation AAA class Distributor in Russia and Kazakhstan

Esko Vostok KOM Company suggests the full range of products manufactured by Rockwell Automation (trademarks Allen-Bradley, Rockwell Software, Entek etc.) for technological process automation of different branches of industries

Our Company has 12-years history of successful authorized distribution.
All specialists are professionally trained by Rockwell Automation and are competent on the whole line of Rockwell equipment and software.

As the Rockwell Automation Authorized Distributor our company follows a flexible selling policy for End-users, System Integrators, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and Panel Builder’s Companies.

Availability of local warehouse resources in Russia, well organized logistics of direct supplies, flexible payment terms - all these enable us the mostly meet all requirements of the modern automation market.

Equipment is certificated according to the Russian legislation and is provided by the Rockwell Automation company guarantee.

If needed, pre-sale and post-sale technical support is proposed, including guarantee and post-warranty maintenance.


© Эско Восток КОМ — промышленная автоматизация
109004, Москва, ул.Николоямская , д. 38, стр. 2, офис 20
Схема проезда в Москве
Красноярск, Саяногорск

Политика конфиденциальности
Тел.: +7 (495) 974-24-60 (многоканальный)
Эл. почта: esko@eskovostok.ru
Разработка сайта: «Четвертый Рим»

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